Private Equity and ReStructuring and Environmental and Utility Services


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  • We are close to you
  • Comprehensiveness of services
  • Unique experience
  • We are the pure private company
  • The interest of our client is our main priority

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The PERSEUS team members had worked together in various state and private engagements since 1996 in following areas of business:


The establishment and the executive management of the first Czech non-bank work-out institution:


A full subsidiary of the Czech National Bank. Total size of managed non-performing assets over EUR 1,7 billion in the form of claims and equity stakes taken over from small and middle sized banks as a part of the program declared by CNB. Execution of the first sale of the pool of non-performing claims, the first crisis management in the company Spolchemie,a.s., the first debt-to-equity swap, etc.


Advisory engagement for the consortium U.S. investment banks LAZARD Frerés and LATONA Associates in their activities in the Central and Eastern European region. 

The most important was the realization of the first project of non-performing assets administration in Central Europe by the revitalization program of the Czech Government focused on restructuring process and sale of several important Czech companies to strategic partners TATRA Koprivnice, a.s., ZETOR Brno, a.s., VITKOVICE, a. s., SKODA Plzen and Hutní montáze Ostrava, a.s. The concrete responsibility for the only one fully completed project - TATRA, a.s. –financial restructuring process by debt-to-equity swap and the sale to the strategic investor TEREX Corporation.


The establishment of the company PERSEUS Consulting,

As the first part of the PERSEUS Group with its activities on the area of the Czech and Slovak Republic.Termination of the cooperation with the company ODIEN (the transformed consortium of Latona&Lazard) and taking over the direct cooperation with its foreign owners in the area of concrete restructuring projects and private direct investments. 


The establishment of joint venture ODIENSEVIS Investment&Restructuring Services a.s. 


Start of PERSEUS Group activities in other countries - Croatia, Bulgaria, Turkey in the area of advisory for the public and private subjects in various restructuring and privatization transactions.

2006 and 2007

Establishing long-term cooperation with several global financial investors for identifying investments opportunities in undervalued assets within the region of Central and Eastern Europe:

  • Credit Suisse Securities (Europe)  Ltd
  • Mellon HBV Alternative Strategies
  • Black River Asset Management
  • Camulos Capital
  • Value Recovery Capital


Establishing cooperation with the English private investment group FLAME Consulting from Manchester, which since 2010 had developed into the exclusive investment and restructuring advisory in acquisition activities in Central Europe


Starting our own first strategic investment projects in the sector of recycling and property development and subsequently in the sector of construction technologies


PERSEUS Group transformation:

For more information about the individual reference transactions and mandates, see PERSEUS Track Record.



End of direct investments into bulding technologies and recyclation business. The Group concentrates its strategy into various real estate projects and into advisory business mostly in area of non-performing assets.


Our mission

The local presence on developing markets is very important, because only the local company with contacts and knowledge of international standards has best chances to thoroughly follow and understand requirements of its clients.


Track Record

Find out more about projects implemented by PERSEUS Group


PERSEUS Group Team

Find out more about team members of PERSEUS Group

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